3 signs you’re ready to automate your email campaigns

by Sarah Talbot

That which is measured can be improved. It is all well and dandy to increase the traffic going in to your site but what do you do afterwards?

One prospect once proudly told me they had around 30% conversion. To which I coolly replied: "What about the other 70%?"

It was a fair statement to make. Just because you are getting above average for the industry standards this does not mean you can give up half way. Automating your campaigns may seem like a hassle or like you’re ‘de-humanizing your business.’ But if done correctly (and not just sending blast emails), this won’t be the case. It could even lead to an additional 30% growth.

Three signs that indicate you’re ready to automate your email campaigns:

1) You are willing to target

For starters lets first put to rest any quarrels one may have with email marketing. Yes, if you decide to be cheap and send out blast emails you will not get the response rate you hoped for. In fact you will see your mailing list decrease. But hey, at least you save even more money!

How you should look at a highly targeted emailing system is this way: Would you be friends with someone who kept annoying you? And by annoying I mean continuously talking to you about irrelevant topics.

Or friends with someone who kept giving you the wrong things like Coke instead of Diet Coke, or an ironing board when you asked for an iron? Use the information in your database to send relevant and targeted emails that you know will interest your recipients.

2) Your sales and marketing are ready to cooperate

Drip campaigns are the future in the way your marketing team and sales team will from now on communicate.

When a member of the marketing team has created content for a case study to be used, a prospect's information and details can now be obtained by having to give their email address before down loading the case study.

This will then alert a member of the sales team to connect with them and know what they want before the prospect even has to ask. Predictive marketing is the highest form (goal) to marketing automation.

3) You are already generating enough content

A series of white papers can already be depicted into a number of blogs, or conversation topics on Twitter.

Upload it to SlideShare and make the most of the recent common Q&As, perhaps a speech done to you has been inspirational and relevant to your subjects.

Either way content helps get you exposure and shows your expertise in a specific field.

Marketing automation content should be regularly updated otherwise it wouldn't be the message itself that annoyed them but the topic of content.

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