Amsterdam Applied Machine Learning Meetup at Copernica

by Edward Touw

Copernica is host of the Amsterdam Applied Machine Learning Meetup Group this Wednesday. During this meetup Sean Owen, director of data science for EMEA at Cloudera, will talk about design patterns for large-scale real-time learning. Also, Tijmen Blankevoort, co-founder at Scyfer will give an introduction to neural networks and deep learning. The meetup starts at 18.00 CET.

Sign up for this meetup for free!

The Amsterdam Applied Machine Learning Meetup Group is a gathering for anyone that is enthusiast about applied machine learning. The meetups are a healthy combination of working code an theory. The group aims to not only focus on models, but also on tools, implementation and production deployment.

This Wednesday (January 15), there will be two speakers:

Sean Owen – Design patterns for large-scale real-time learning

Having collected big data, organisations are now keen on big learning. Building production-ready large-scale machine learning systems however remains hard on Hadoop. Especially when real-time answers are required.

Effective implementations must take advantage of relaxed assumptions, adopt a new 2-tier architecture, and pick the right scale-friendly algorithms to succeed. Drawing on experience from Apache Mahout, Myrrix and new projects at Cloudera, in this session Sean will provide answers: a reference architecture and algorithm design choices for a successful and production-ready large-scale real-time learning system.

Sean Owen is director of data science for EMEA at Cloudera.

Tijmen Blankevoort – Neural networks and deep learning

Tijmen wil give an introduction to neural networks and deep learning. From the beginnings of the earliest neural network to the current state of affairs, Tijmen provides a comprehensive understanding of what deep learning is and how it is applied in practice.

Tijmen Blankevoort is co-founder at Scyfer.

Full programme:

  • 18.00: Drinks & pizza.
  • 18.50: Short introduction by the meetup organisers
  • 19.00: Sean Owen - Design patterns for large-scale real-time learning
  • 19.45: Short break
  • 20.00: Tijmen Blankevoort – Neural networks and deep learning
  • 20.45: More drinks

Host a meetup at Copernica

Copernica Marketing Software hosts various meetups for the IT and programming community. Apart from this meetup, we’ve been host of AmsterdamPHP several times. Would you like to have your IT or programming related event hosted at Copernica? Please send an email to and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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