B2B Summit 2014 (London) invites Copernica & Exact as speakers

by Walter van der Scheer

From a total of over 120 subjects, the case study of Exact's implementation of Copernica for lead nurturing was selected as one of the featured speaker sessions at the B2B Summit 2014 on June 18th in London.

B2B Summit Logo

The summit, organised by B2BMarketing.net, aims at today’s B2B marketer, offering succinct, actionable information on all the key options under one roof in one dynamic day.

This one-day event centres around five different streams, covering the topics crucial to any B2B Marketer: Social Media, Demand Generation, Inbound Marketing, Multichannel Marketing and new to 2014, Emerging Trends. B2B Marketing invited Copernica and Exact to share their experiences and results in the demand generation stream, where they will be spaking about the implementation of lead nurturing using Copernica Marketing Software.

Attendees will learn how Exact used Copernica as their marketing automation software to set up a detailed lead nurturing program in order to convert Marketing Qualified leads into Sales Qualified leads. In nearly four months time, Exact was able to convert over 40% of their Marketing Qualified leads to Sales Qualified leads.

Topics to be covered in this session:

  • Convert more leads from your website by applying lead scoring
  • Apply lead scoring in B2b
  • Generate more leads and convert them to sales qualified leads
  • Improve results of your Inbound marketing benefit from marketing automation?
  • Make your content marketing more relevant

    More information about the B2B Summit on the official site , where you can also purchase your tickets.

About Exact

Since 1984, Exact Software has been a global leader in business applications like accounting and ERP, and pay rolling. With a team of 1,800 employees in 16 countries Exact is able to serve 100,000+ local and international businesses.

Richard Francis and Jasper Kolwijck will speak alongside Copernica's Walter van der Scheer.

Richard Francis

Richard Francis

As the Content Manager for Exact Business Solutions Marketing Communications team, it is Richards responsibility to build and manage an informative and engaging multi-media content library - value adding best practices, insights and opinion for existing and potential customers alike.

Richard has a background in business journalism, teaching English as a foreign language and as a corporate communications consultant and copywriter.

Jasper Kolwijck

Jasper Kolwijck

As a marketing automation specialist, Jasper has taken the lead in implementing Copernica for lead nurturing and lead scoring for Exact’s global business, which has resulted in a significant decrease in sales and marketing expenses and an increase in conversion of marketing qualified leads to sales qualified leads. Prior to joining Exact, Jasper was a consultant for an e-marketing and content agency, building his track record of implementing successful lead nurturing and welcome campaigns for large enterprises.

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Lead scoring
lead nurturing
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