B2B Summit 2014 (London): Slide deck case study Exact Software

by Walter van der Scheer

On the B2B Summit, last Wednesday June 18th in The Brewery in London, Exact's Jasper Kolwijck and Richard Francis presented Exact's use of Copernica Marketing Software to set up a detailed lead nurturing program in order to convert Marketing Qualified leads into Sales Qualified leads.

Exact sends their prospects relevant and personal emails based on their stored interests and preferences. These emails also play an important role in the entire lead nurturing program.

What is lead nurturing and how can it help you?

The session covered the following topics:

  • Convert more leads from your website by applying lead scoring
  • Apply lead scoring in B2b
  • Generate more leads and convert them to sales qualified leads
  • Improve results of your Inbound marketing benefit from marketing automation
  • Make your content marketing more relevant

Richard Francis

Richard is the Content Manager for Exact Software. It's his responsibility to build and manage an informative and engaging multi-media content library – value-adding best practices, insights and opinion for existing and potential customers alike. The lead nurturing program falls within that scope, the content delivered to marketing qualified leads key to their development into sales-ready opportunities. His background is in business journalism, copywriting and corporate communications consultancy.

Jasper Kolwijck

As a marketing automation specialist, Jasper has taken the lead in implementing Copernica for lead nurturing and lead scoring for Exact’s global business, which has resulted in a significant decrease in sales and marketing expenses and an increase in conversion of marketing qualified leads to sales qualified leads. Prior to joining Exact, Jasper was a consultant for an e-marketing and content agency, building his track record of implementing successful lead nurturing and welcome campaigns for large enterprises.

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b2b Summit
b2b marketing
jasper kolwijck
richard francis
lead nurturing
marketing automation
lead scoring