Beta release Copernica 2.4

by Jenny Peters

In week 39 Copernica BV releases the newest version of their marketing software internally. Several improvements and new features are introduced. Copernica 2.4 will run internally for one month as a final testing ground, after which time all accounts of all customers will also be upgraded.

Resellers who would like to make an early transfer to the new release, can contact our support department.

Some of the changes:
- new selection on data: 'does (not) occur in another selection', field value 'begins with' or 'ends with' and 'no changes to profile'
- exporting data will be faster
- better overview and colours on e-mail results PDF report
- new features: check & repair e-mail addresses
- follow-up actions can be set for surveys
- new feature: make your own contact types for task & report management
- new feature: make follow-ups conditional ('only set in motion if...')
- webversions of e-mailings published on http: instead of https://

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