Case Argos-Shimano: gathering lots of profiles in four weeks

by Michael Heering

ArgosArgos has been the main sponsor of cycling team Argos-Shimano since March 2012. The company has chosen to do so to strenghten their European growth ambitions and to reinforce the brand name within Europe.

On the occasion of the Tour de France, the ‘The Argos Tour Weeks’ campaign was set up. The primary goal of this campaign was to gather more client profiles in Argos’ database and to increase the awareness of the team’s participation in the Tour de France.

The Argos Tour Weeks

The campaign was set up in cooperation with Copernica Registered Partner Digitalbits and an external advertising agency. Digitalbits developed the campaign’s site and established the link with Copernica.

Features used within Copernica

The set up of the campaign

Tour Weken landingspaginaVisitors of the participating Argos petrol stations received an action code for each refueling worth 25 euros during the four Tour Weeks. With this code the visitors were able to win several prices such as a fuel pass worth 1.500 euros, a fuel pass worth 500 euros or a cycling jersey of Team Argos-Shimano.

The visitors were able to fill out one or more action codes on the action site. Together with the contact data of the visitor, the code was stored and processed within Copernica.

Using the link between Copernica and an external database of Argos, the action codes were verified. Once the action code was verified, the new profile was added to the database within Copernica. Each petrol station had its own action codes, so each participant could be traced back to the station he tanked at. At the end of the campaign the winners and losers received an automated email inviting them to register for the newsletter of Argos.

The result

In just four weeks time, more than 14.000 action codes were submitted online. Furthermore, 26% of the participants registered for the Argos newsletter.

Actiemail Tour Weken

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