Case Study: British Millerain

by Walter van der Scheer

By combining Copernica and Drupal, British Millerain streamlined its sales process. Not only did the company reduce its amount of back office work, integrating the two systems also improved customer expierence and drove revenue growth. "This digital solution is both exciting and practical."


British Millerain is the world’s premier manufacturer of waxed cotton and invests a large proportion of its marketing spend in exhibitions, both at home and abroad. They had historically suffered from long lead times to service customers with fabric sample requests. CopernicaUK were asked to help it to improve its levels of customer service directly related to these key events, tackling the problem of leads gained at events but lost soon afterwards.

Visitors to the British Millerain stand were ordering swatches and samples and then waiting for a few weeks to receive them. A cold leads solution was required that would immediately and drastically improve turnaround to improve customer service and shorten the sales cycle.


Copernica UK combined the latest technology, incorporating a Drupal commerce platform with Copernica’s marketing automation software to provide British Millerain with an interactive solution that speeded up the sale cycle and made internal processes faster, more efficient and fully streamlined.

All leads at exhibitions are now captured digitally and, thanks to Copernica’s automated solution, the sample room are immediately notified of the exact sample requirement which can then be processed immediately and swiftly dispatched, significantly improving the conversion rate. Notifications are also sent to the sales team to ensure they follow up to close the sale.


The new process using Copernica has had a dramatic effect on the company’s internal sample ordering process and, reducing not only the amount of back office work required but also helping to drive revenue growth. The overall customer experience has improved significantly, meaning that customers now receive the correct sample quickly and as a result can make informed purchase decisions. Quote

"The digital solution created for us using Copernica is exciting and practical as, besides making us more customer focused and removing a complex paper trail, it frees up our back office staff to focus on other tasks whilst ensuring our sales team are constantly kept in the loop."

David Littler
Sales & Marketing Director
British Millerain

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