Change to SOAP method ProcessedEmailing_shareableStatisticsKey

by Emiel Bruijntjes

Users who've used the Copernica SOAP API to construct URL's to share emailing statistics should take notice. We've made a change to the SOAP API that could require that you make changes to your SOAP scripts.

What has been changed?

The method 'ProcessedEmailing_shareableStatisticsKey' has been replaced by the method 'ProcessedEmailing_createAccessKey'. This means that if you've created any SOAP connections that call this old method, you need to alter your scripts and call the SOAP method 'ProcessedEmailing_createAccessKey' instead.

The new method takes three optional arguments:

  • Parameter 'options', which is a map with possible keys 'begintime' and 'endtime' to limit the affected mailings
  • Parameter 'date', which is a date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format holding the expire date
  • Parameter 'title', which holds a human readable text

The method returns a string identifier that you can include in a URL similar to the urls that are generated with the 'share statistics' dialog. This URL can then be sent to someone who you want to share the statistics with.

Note that the old method (ProcessedEmailing_shareableStatisticsKey) did not return a string, but an object with an ID property. You therefore not only need to update the method name, but also the way you process the return value.