Copernica 12.49 release, what are we working on?

by Edward Touw

December 20, 2012 - Users of Copernica Marketing Software will have to wait a little longer until we release version 12.49. During testing we discovered a bug we want to fix before we launch the latest updates. This bug is however rooted in the such a fundamental part of Copernica, that it’ll take us a little longer than usual to fix.

What’s new in version 12.49?
Version 12.49 ensures that HTML documents are compiled faster than in previous versions. 

For users this means:

  • that webversions will load faster
  • it’ll take less time for HTML emailing to be sent out
  • the interface will load quicker, making Copernica more user friendly

Sounds good!
It does! But to be able to apply these updates, we had to implement some changes in fundamental parts of the software. For those of you that are interested in the details: we had to switch to a faster HTML parsing engine.

A what?
A faster HTML parsing engine. Copernica uses this to read the HTML code of an email and to alter certain parts to make them suitable for mail clients. An HTML parsing engine is also used to see what hyperlinks are used in an emailings, so that they can be diverted to links that go through our pic servers. This is necessary to be able to measure the number of clicks. You could say the HTML parsing engine is a fundamental part of the Copernica software.

And the new HTML parsing engine will do this a lot quicker?
Correct. Even more, the new engine will also repair errors in the HTML. When a template designer forgets to close an HTML tag for example, the new engine will fix this mistake. Just like a web browser would do. The new system comes with a lot of advantages.

So what’s keeping Copernica of releasing?
There are some issues with the repairing of the HTML. Some Copernica users made errors in their HTML documents, especially when including complicated personalization codes. In most cases the new HTML parsing engine will improve these documents, but in a few circumstances it might also cause the layout to be altered. We are working on a way to prevent this. Until then we won’t be able to release Copernica 12.49.

Will this have consequences for users?
No, don’t worry. Because we encountered this bug during the testing phase, users won’t be affected by this issue. 

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