Copernica BV EMMA-nl member


EMMA-nl logoCopernica BV has become a member of EMMA-nl. EMMA-nl is a quality label created in 2003 by the Dutch E-mail Marketing Association EMMA as a response to the growing amount of spam. It's purpose is to maintain the appreciation for e-mail as a communication channel. Only members may use the EMMA-nl label. Using this logo they indicate that they only send e-mail based on receiver's permission.

By creating and applying technical specifications, performing audits concerning members' compliance with the EMMA-nl guidelines by an independent third party, the EMMA-nl members guarantee the quality of e-mail campaigns they send.

With it's EMMA-nl membership, Copernica BV wants to make a statement. Using it's marketing software, users may only send e-mails based recipients' permission. This way Copernica BV positions itself as a spam-free organization.

Copernica BV

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