Copernica Marketing Software official partner of Return Path

by Michael Heering Jeffrey Bertoen

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When sending out your e-mailings you want these to arrive in the inbox of your customers. However the deliverability of your mailing strongly depends on your reliability as a sender. This is the focus point of Return Path, specialist in deliverability and online reputation management. Return Path has years of experience developing the best e-mail deliverability products and services. They also manage a whitelist that provides improved access to more than 1,8 billion inboxes worldwide. For this reason Copernica has joined forces with Return Path and is now an official partner of the Return Path Certified Sender program. Users of the marketing software can request a Return Path Certification via Copernica.

Benefits of Return Path certification

When sending your e-mails it may occur that these are blocked, are labeled as SPAM or are delivered to inactive inboxes. These e-mails harm your online reputation and cause problems with spamfilters. Through certification the user is placed on Return Path’s whitelist which significantly decreases the problems with spamfilters. The Return Path Certified Sender program assures an increase of your reliability as an e-mail sender and improves the deliverability of your mailings up to 40%.

The Certified Sender program also provides an improved access to more than 1,8 billion inboxes worldwide. Once certified, users will experience better deliverability in Hotmail and Yahoo!, images are displayed instantly to the reader and hyperlinks are activated immediately upon delivery. An e-mail can only provide proper conversion when it’s visible within the e-mail clients.

More information on deliverability.

More information on the conditions and directives to request a Return Path certification.

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