CopernicaTV: Partner interview S-Company

by Walter van der Scheer

In the Copernica partner interviews we highlight a partner from the Copernica network. Recently, we had a chat with Sascha Dobbelaere, managing director of S-Company.

S_Company logo

Do you have a ready to apply tip for marketers?

Every business should keep on investing in technology. There are too many web shops that are standing still and not improving. If you’re not ready to invest in technology and improve on what you do, you won’t survive in the web business. Technology is the future.

What do you see as the biggest development in marketing right now?

Generating traffic becomes more and more costly, especially with CPC. Having a good strategy in place for data capturing and remarketing are no longer nice to haves, but need to haves for any business. Not only will you benefit from this in the long term, also you will see an uplift in short term revenues.

You advertise S-Company as the e-commerce knights. What do you mean by that?

As an agency, S-Company specializes in ecommerce. We live and breathe ecommerce. We don’t do acquisition of new visitors, but focus on the recurrency of existing visitors. As soon as someone comes on your website, we come in, and improve the experience of the visitor, making sure your website performs better every day. Just like knights defend and expand the kingdom, we defend and expand our clients conversions.

What is your added value for a Copernica user?

S-company has international experience in both B2B and B2C in many industries. We have two offices: one in Ghent, the technology centre of Belgium, and one separate division in the north of England. We specialise in a healthy mix between marketing and development. We know how a customer thinks and how their shopping behavior is changing better than anybody else. Besides Copernica for marketing automation, we have in-depth knowledge of Magento and we offer our own hosting infrastructure and design team.

What made you decide to partner with Copernica?

After comparing several platforms, we found out that Copernica is the choice for marketing automation. First of all, Copernica is a flexible platform, we see a continuous development of the software. And, very important, the price-quality ratio is unbeatable.

I reckon Copernica is the one and only choice when it comes to marketing automation. It is a good platform, there is a lot of stuff that goes on, there are lots of improvements that keep on happening and if you look at the price, there is no reason to say no.

Recently, you joined Copernica on a trade show, TFM&A in London. How did you experience the event?

It was an interesting event, because it was one of the first events for S-Company in London. First of all it was a great opportunity to work closely with Copernica and to see how knowledgeable and driven everybody is. The display of ambition in the Copernica team is perfect for our international market. The event itself was interesting and showed exactly how marketers are starting to understand the importance of targeted, personalized communication.

Watch the whole interview below:

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