Generating the best results from your email marketing in 2014


Ever feel like your emails aren’t performing as well as they should? It’s probably because you’re just firing out the same emails to all of your contacts without stopping to consider how relevant the content is to each individual. At best, your emails will be completely ignored, and at worst, they’ll get deleted or marked as spam. You’ll notice your mailing list gradually become less effective as your contacts grow tired of being bombarded with irrelevant messages.

Make 2014 the year that you change all that with this guide to make sure you get the best results from your email marketing!

Go responsive!

Industry experts estimate that around 50% of all emails (and growing!) are opened on a mobile device. It’s now essential that emails are optimised for mobile to ensure that you are well prepared to take advantage of the explosion in the number of smartphone users, increase engagement and click through rates and drive revenue growth. Responsive emails automatically adjust to the screen size of the device being used to view them, meaning that there’s no need to pinch and zoom to be able to see them clearly.

Gather actionable data

How do you engage with your prospects and customers? The answer: through continual data collection in relation to their interests and behaviours. To be a success in 2014, it’s vital that you start to gather – and utilise – the data that you have, and will collect about your contacts. Think of new ways to find out more valuable information, such as asking for post purchase feedback about their shopping experience, or giving the option to rate or review products whilst browsing your website. Use this information to enrich your customer’s profiles and increase the relevancy of your emails, which will ultimately drive conversions and increase revenue growth within your business throughout 2014.

Did you know? A recent Econsultancy report showed only 22% of companies are currently employing advanced segmentation with their data.

Look at location

As GEO-location mobile technology advances, there are emerging opportunities to target customers not only based on their interests and online behaviour, but also through their exact location. The opportunities this opens up for email marketers are massive, meaning you can target customers as they go about their day to day activities. Take a look at the new iBeacon software for iOS7, which can be used to pinpoint a customer’s exact location within a store, taking targeted marketing to a whole new level! 2014 is the year to take your email marketing to a new level of accuracy to stay ahead of the game – and the competition.

Did you know? A recent TNS study revealed that 56% of smartphone users use their device for shopping!

Make it personal

After years of alienating customers through mass marketing, brands have started to realise that successful marketing is achieved by developing a one to one relationship with their customers. Personalisation will play an increasingly important role in email marketing in 2014, and you should aim to track your customer’s online behaviour and provide a relevant proposition through targeted emails to engage, nurture and convert your leads. This is a sure -fire way to achieve a good ROI from your email marketing and generate revenue within your business.

Did you know? A recent Econsultancy study showed only 19% of marketers are using personalisation!

Follow up abandoned baskets!

Abandoned baskets are a common issue facing online retailers, and are effectively the virtual version of ‘window shopping’. Just as retailers in bricks and mortar stores aim to turn those window shoppers from browsers into purchasers, online retailers must try to convert those customers who abandon their baskets prior to completing the purchase. That’s why sending an abandoned basket reminder email is a sure fire way to increase your conversion rates. Getting the language and layout of the email can be key in persuading the customer back to your site. Think about including images of the products and highlight reasons to purchase such as your returns and exchanges policy. It’s also important to decide how long to wait from the time of abandonment until the email is sent to ensure you give the customer enough consideration time.

Look to the physical world

It’s time to look beyond the realms of the digital world if you want to continue to grow your mailing list in 2014. Whilst digital will still retain a significant role within your acquisition process, physical locations such as stores provide great opportunities to acquire new clients. Encouraging customers to sign up to newsletters in store has long been championed by retailers but, with the emergence of new technology, there are new ways to capture your customer’s details.

Adding QR codes on to promotional materials or store receipts, which can be scanned whilst in store using mobile phones is one way. A discount voucher can then be provided in exchange for customers completing a short feedback survey and providing their contact details, for example. Alternatively, a loyalty app that can be used whilst in store, for example allowing customers to scan barcodes or access to exclusive discounts in exchange for their email address is another great way to acquire and retain customers in both the physical and digital world.

Did you know? Research by Velti shows approximately 79% of consumers use their smartphones for email!

Follow these steps to ensure your email marketing is the number one source of revenue for your business in 2014. Alternatively, get in touch with one of the team at Copernica to find out how we can help you get the most out of your email marketing!

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