If I send more emails will I increase my revenue?


It would be great if by simply increasing the quantity of emails you send, you could increase your revenue too. Imagine how easy that would be... 

Unfortunately, sending out more and more emails to your entire list without thinking about the individual recipients will result in low open and high unsubscribe rates. You’ll also notice your emails increasingly get marked as spam too - and chances are you won’t increase your revenue either.

So should you send fewer emails then, perhaps once a week? Or maybe once every few weeks? Sadly, this is just as ineffective as sending too many emails. Your messages will be drowned out in your customer’s busy inbox and the chances of you engaging with them will be very low.

Right now you’re probably thinking that I’m just about to tell you the ‘optimum’ number of emails you should send to boost your revenue. I’m not. The truth is, there isn’t such a number; what’s important is sending out relevant, targeted and timely messages.

This can be achieved in a number of ways. Firstly, segment your database into distinct groups based on their demographics, behaviours and interests. This will ensure that you can then effectively target individual groups with appropriate messages.

Secondly, develop email campaigns to respond to individual customer behaviours. For example abandoned basket, loyalty series or post purchase reminders, to be sent to customers and prospects at specific points of the purchase funnel to inform and nurture them.

Thirdly, automate your emails to ensure that they will be sent to customers in response to their online activity, and eliminate the need for emails to be issued manually.

The fact is, by doing this some customers will receive more emails than others, but those that they do receive will be sent based on their activities and interests at key stages of the sales funnel – meaning that they are more likely to open and crucially, act on them.

The best way to increase revenue is through smarter email marketing, moving from a traditional broadcast model to personalised one to one marketing. Email marketing is one area where you should focus on quality and not quantity, to properly engage with your customers and prospects - and to drive revenue growth.

Find out how Copernica can help you to segment and target your mailing list to achieve the best possible results for your business.

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