Important news for everyone that uses advanced javascript conditions

by Michael Heering

In documents and follow up actions (and more) users are able to use conditions. To set certain terms to the deployment of a follow up action for example. Or to show different images to men and women in an email document.

The underlying system that uses these conditions based on javascript will be thoroughly changed as of November 2. Most users won’t notice this change, but the following information is very important to everyone that uses advanced javascript conditions in their campaigns.

What is changing?
As of November 2 Copernica will no longer be using javascript engine Spidermonkey and will switch to the Chrome V8 engine. This change will have a lot of positive effect on the speed with which the javascript conditions are being evaluated.

This will mean that emailings that use javascript conditions will be composed a lot faster than before. Recipients will notice that loading an email or webversion will be a lot quicker than before.

Less possibilities
The whole POM object model is accessible in the old implementation. This will no longer be the case as of November 2. As of then, you will only be able to use data from profiles and sub profiles. Using the name of the template for example will no longer be possible.

Advanced conditions only
The update in the system is only of importance for everyone that uses advanced javascript conditions. It is possible that these conditions will not work anymore after the upcoming update. You do not have to take any actions if you only use:

  • Simple conditions (value X must be equal to Y)
  • Smarty
If you use javascript conditions that possibly won’t work after the upcoming update, we will contact you shortly. If you don’t hear from us, this means your existing follow up actions will not be affected by this change.

Of course you are always free to contact our support department yourself if you have any questions about this update.

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