Issues caused by power outage Leaseweb solved

by Edward Touw

The issues that emerged from the power outage at Leaseweb Wednesday night, have been fixed. All emailings are being sent according to schedule. Other tasks are also performed as planned.  

Wednesday night (11.45 PM CET) Copernica suffered from a power interruption on one of our server cabinets. Due to a technical error made by Leaseweb (our datacenter partner), we lost power to roughly a hundred of our servers this night. As a result, tasks crashed and Copernica could not complete tasks at all.

Repairing the damage this caused, took us all of yesterday because our servers had to catch up for the delays the power outage caused. While we were fixing these issues, emailings were sent out delayed all day yesterday.

The application is now however working as usual again.

If you have any questions about the effects of yesterday’s power outage on your tasks and emailings, please contact our support department at

Also, you can find more info on the Leaseweb power outage and the effects on Copernica and our users on our live blog

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