Keeping a clean and up-to-date database in seven steps

by Michael Linthorst

A clean and up-to-date database is the basis for every good marketing campaign. A well maintained database enables you to send relevant emailings that fit the personal needs of your recipients.

How to maintain your database and keep it up-to-date in seven simple steps:

1. Centralize your data

Locate all your data centrally in one program or file. This way you’ll only have to search and update one location.

Are you using an external application (a CRM system for example)? Connect this system to your marketing software, and use integrations or a SOAP API the synchronize your databases. 

Although you now have two databases, you can still manage all your information from one location.

2. Keep an overview

Keep an overview of your database by using clear names, tabs and data definitions. Selections enable you to view one database in different ways. Segment target groups for example, campaigns from the past or relation types (prospect, existing customer etcetera).

3. Add new data immediately

Keep your database complete by always adding new data immediately, rather than first saving it in a different location. This way your database will always be up to date.

4. Monitor results

Always keep a close eye on your email results and process opt-outs, bounces and mutations thoroughly. Clean up your database after every emailing you sent.

5. Let relations update their own data

Why do all the work yourself? Give your relation the possibility to keep their data like address information up-to-date themselves by using webforms.

6. Enrich your database

Enrich your relation details with the results of every campaign you do. Good marketing software will do this for you automatically.

7. Work with double opt-ins

Prevent spam complaints. Use double opt-ins to be 100 percent sure that recipients want to receive your emails:

  • Let someone sign up (through a webform for instance)
  • Send them an email, asking them to confirm their subscription

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