Now available: MailerQ 4.0


As of today, a new version of MailerQ is available. MailerQ is Copernica's own MTA. Version 4.0 is even more powerful, flexible and stable, let alone the new features it comes with. We advise MailerQ users to (cautiously) switch to the new version in the near future.

A lot has changed. To start with, MailerQ now gives you more elaborate information about email delivery, or -if delivery fails- more detailed failure reports. Also new is MailerQ's ability to start up multiple threads to communicate with RabbitMQ in order to use all available CPU's in a server. Data from SSL certificates from receiving servers are reported, and -a much awaited feature- MailerQ can now read messages from spool directories. This makes sending email as easy as dropping a file into a directory.

As we've said, a lot has changed, way more even than we've described here. Visit MailerQ's website for a full overview of the changes and more information on the new version.

What's an MTA again?

Many of our users only know Copernica for its fully integrated marketing solutions for sending mailings and campaigns. We do, however, have more products. One of these is our own MTA: a Mail Transfer Agent. An MTA is an application which, bluntly put, does nothing but sending (massive amounts of) email.

We use our MTA to send all email. Every message composed with Copernica software eventually gets sent by MailerQ. We aren't the only ones using it, though: other companies that send large amounts of e-mail from their own servers use MailerQ, too.

In its essence, an MTA is an application that sends email. MailerQ does more than that. It measures the time it takes for your email to be delivered to receiving servers and it reacts when something goes wrong during delivery. It signs your emails with DKIM and allows for on-the-fly alterations in messages to fix any CSS errors. Incoming messages and bounces are handled and failed deliveries automatically get a retry after a certain period of time...

...need we say more?

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