Partner achievements added to dashboard

by Walter van der Scheer

Copernica offers a number of ways for partners to get the most out of a partner license. With one of the latest updates, Copernica added the partner achievements score to the dashboard on, allowing partners to view and add their achievements directly.


Already, this total score plays an important role for a partner in the following two ways: Ranking on and Partner of the Year

Ranking on

Partners with a higher score will rank higher in the partner overview, and thus, have a better visibility towards the Copernica users.

Partner of the Year

At the end of the second quarter, Copernica will nominate the partners with the best score for the Partner of the Year Award. This prestigious prize previously was awarded to Redhotminute (2012) and ISM ecompany (2013). Will you be awarded as the next Partner of the Year at the Copernica Summit in September 2014?

How is the partner achievement score built up?

The score is built up by calculating all of the activities and performance of a partner into a score. For example: Marketing Agency X has registered its company on, and sends newsletters regularly. Also it has two accounts and has published an article with Copernica. For these achievements the company is rewarded with points.

Now, when Marketing Agency X visits its personal achievements page, Copernica will bring quick wins, certifying users and joining Copernica on a trade show, under the attention of Marketing Agency X.

What is your score?

Log in on the dashboard, have a look at your own achievements and see what you can do to reach the perfect score of 100. Hopefully we’ll welcome you on stage at the Partner of the Year awards show in September.


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