Automation highlight: SMS feature

by Chloë van der Woude

Automation highlight: SMS-feature

We have added a new feature to the flowchart editor, allowing you to easily integrate SMS into your marketing campaigns and follow-ups. Previously, you had to select profiles to send an SMS mailing, but now this can be done directly from a campaign flow. This means you can now instantly reach customers, for example, those who don’t respond to your email campaigns, via SMS without any extra steps.

The main advantage of this update is that sending SMS messages in response to events, such as the lack of a click in an email or the placement of an order, is now much simpler and more direct. This not only increases customer engagement but also makes it easier to personalize and optimize your campaigns.

Would you like to learn more about this new SMS functionality? Feel free to contact us or read (in Dutch) more about setting up SMS campaigns within Copernica’s Marketing Suite.

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