Copernica is organizing Summer Camp 2024

by Ronald Vesterink


Copernica is organizing a training session with a summer twist on August 22nd: the Summer Camp. The summer period is generally a quieter time for marketers, making it a good opportunity to attend a basic or advanced training. During the Summer Camp, we will host both a basic training and a ‘Fundamental Next Steps’ training at our office in Amsterdam.

Basic Training

In the basic training, you will learn to recognize and apply the most commonly used functions of Copernica. During the session, you will work hands-on with the software under guidance, with the opportunity to ask questions.

Fundamental Next Steps Training

The ‘Fundamental Next Steps’ training provides in-depth knowledge on topics such as using conditional blocks in templates, advanced use of the follow-up editor, the coupon module, Smarty (more than just a name), results and log files (how to use and understand them), and where and how to configure various settings within your account.

After the training, we will host a barbecue with refreshing cocktails on our rooftop terrace. This day will be centered around training and offers the chance to network while enjoying snacks and drinks. You can register for one of the training sessions. The sessions run parallel to each other so that we can start the barbecue together.

Want to participate in this event? Register for the training here (

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