Meetup Dutch C++ group

by Mutiara van der Linden

Presentation C++ Meetup Last week, nearly 60 C++ enthusiast (ranging from students, developers and hobbyists) stepped away from behind their computers to attend the C++ meetup hosted at our Amsterdam office. The event was a great way to exchange knowledge and ideas while simultaneously enjoying pizza and some drinks.

Several lightning talks were held this evening. The first speaker was Niels, a student from Amsterdam University. Niels was curious to find out how to program for embedded machines. It was great to see more experienced C++ users share their knowledge on the topic with him afterwards.

Niels’ talk was followed by the presentation of Oleksandr and Andrey, who both spoke about CMake. Oleksandr explained how to use CMake, which is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build and package software. Andrey in turn explained how automatic dependency installation is working in CMake and how CMake can be used to have a booth process (i.e. transforming raw code into a working application). The final speaker, Niels Dekker, spoke about how he implemented a custom pixel iteration for the ITK library. He used this to identify patterns on MRI scans of Eyeballs. It was interesting to hear the progress and challenges that he encountered during the process.

All in all it was a fruitful event. Copernica is always happy to host knowledge-exchanging sessions like last week’s C++ meetup. We hope to be able to host more of these events in the future. Keep an eye out on our website for the next C++ event. We would love to see you there!

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