More automation possibilities

by Jeroen Bizot

More automation possibilities

In our effort to make our products both more powerful and user-friendly, we have added new features to the Copernica Marketing Suite. Starting from June 2024, you'll find an additional option "Automations" in the main menu of the Marketing Suite. This will give you access to all existing Marketing Suite follow-ups and automated processes, as well as new features in marketing automation.

What exactly has been improved?

The new automations module offers improvements in two key ways: the software becomes both easier to use and more powerful. Since all Marketing Suite automations are now housed in one central location in the software, you can find follow-up actions more easily. Additionally, several new follow-up actions have been added.


This module was developed in response to feedback from our users, who indicated that it was sometimes difficult to find where a follow-up action or automation was stored. Our software allows automatic follow-up actions to be configured in various places, such as when setting up a database or collection, designing a template, or configuring account-wide follow-up actions. However, an overview of all Marketing Suite follow-up actions, regardless of where they were linked, was missing. We have solved this issue with the new automations module, which now lets you search all Marketing Suite automations.

Powerful new features

In addition to increased ease of use, we have also added new features. Here are some highlights:

  • Favorites: Mark follow-up actions as favorites so you can find them more quickly.
  • Webhooks: Trigger webhooks for seamless integrations with other tools.
  • JavaScript evaluations: Perform powerful JavaScript evaluations within your automations.
  • Multiple triggers: Link follow-up actions to multiple triggers for greater flexibility.
  • Account-wide follow-ups: Set follow-up actions that apply account-wide.

What can you expect?

In the coming months, we will be adding more new features to the automations module. Keep providing your feedback so we can continue to improve our software. You can send your feedback via our support module.

We hope these updates help you work even more effectively and efficiently with the Copernica Marketing Suite!

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