Publisher improvements

by Jonas Lodewegen

Publisher improvements
Although the Marketing Suite interface becomes more and more feature complete, it is not a replacement for the Publisher interface. In fact, we are still working on the Publisher interface and both interfaces will become more and more interchangeable. The most striking change is probably the new look. The new icons, modern alignments and a solid colored bar make a fresh experience of using the interface. Other interesting improvements are listed in this article:

  • A new emailing tab at the Profiles section, displaying the latest mailings to a database or selection.
  • The possibility to personalise the default unsubscribe link in a way that allows you to store the unsubscribe timestamp at a profile.
  • The spam score of a document is now shown at the top of the document view.
  • The destination and delivery speed of an already scheduled emailing can now be edited.
  • Publisher Follow Ups can send Marketing Suite templates.
  • Besides FTPS we now also support SFTP.
  • The 'edit/remove multiple (sub)profiles' dialogue is restructured and more intuitive.
  • A telephone field type was added to the webforms.
  • Media libraries can now be archived. *Templates and documents can be archived in bulk.
  • Archived selections will no longer be rebuilt in the background, which leads to increased performance of the other selections.
  • Test and mass emailings are now visually distinguished in the campaigns tab of a profile.
  • The document export dialogue now enables you to export the document in PDF format. You can place these on your web page, for instance.
  • Selections can now be marked as test selection through the 'Set intentions' menu. After that, the test mailing dialogue of the Publisher enables you to send a test mailing to that selection.
  • Follow Ups can be copied between databases, templates and web forms.
  • Image blocks now support a new attribute, the class attribute, that makes it easier to use the image blocks in a responsive design, since you can point to media queries in the header CSS.
  • Following the rest of the Publisher interface, we restyled the statistics.
  • Besides SFTP imports we currently also support SFTP exports.
  • Removing databases has been made less error prone. If you want to delete a complete database, you will now have to type in the name of the database. We hope this will lower the amount of databases that are accidentally removed.
  • The captcha's of web forms have been updated to recaptcha's.

Most of these improvements are the result of customer input. Do you have any suggestions, please let us know!