Purchase your SOAP API calls per cluster

by Michael Heering

As requested by our clients, we have made it possible for you to purchase SOAP API connections at Copernica per cluster. When starting a regular Copernica license, you receive the first 5.000 SOAP API connections free of charge. After that, you are charged an extra amount for the following 5.000, 10.000 and more than 10.000 connections. When it concerns more than 10.000 connections, the cost is € 0,0001,- per connection.

As of now you are able to purchase your SOAP API connections per cluster per month at Copernica. The clusters vary from one of 250.000 connections to one of 15.000.000 connections. For example, you can get a cluster of 1.000.000 for the cost of € 100,- per month or one of 4.000.000 for € 250,- per month, which means € 0,00006,- per connection.

For more information and all available clusters, please visit our website.

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