Recording of CopernicaTV: Lead scoring in B2B | Case Exact Software

by Walter van der Scheer

Recording of December 10th's Copernica TV episode "Lead scoring in B2b; case study Exact Software".


In this episode:

At the beginning of 2013 Exact Business Solutions implemented a marketing automation strategy. The key element of this strategy was formed by a lead scoring mechanism. At a very low cost of implementation this instantly delivered:

- Average open rates of over 40%
- Conversion of 40% of Marketing Qualified Leads to Sales Qualified Leads
- Expansion of the program to various countries

Exact's Jasper Kolwijck and Richard Francis share their experiences while discovering lead nurturing in B2b.

Eager to apply lead scoring to your marketing using Copernica? Learn all about math equation in our latest video tutorial.


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lead scoring
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