Scheduled maintenance last Saturday evening

by Edward Touw Feike Wierda

Update 10-11-2013 - 12 AM (CET): The scheduled maintenance on the power feeds to the Copernica servers was performed without incident. All maintenance tasks were completed with virtually zero downtime, mailings and other tasks have not been delayed. Apart from two short connection interruptions, the maintenance has had no negative consequences.

November 6 - This weekend scheduled maintenance will take place in our datacenter. As a result, it won’t be possible to send emailings this Saturday evening (November 9) between 9 PM and 12 AM (CET). Neither will other tasks, like follow up actions, be performed. Our advice is to not schedule emailings between 6 PM and midnight.

Why will this maintenance be taking place?

Last week, Copernica suffered from a power interruption on one of our server cabinets. Due to a technical error made by Leaseweb (our datacenter partner), we lost power to roughly a hundred of our servers for some hours. As a result, Copernica dealt with performance issues throughout the whole following day.

All servers at Leaseweb have two sources of power supply. That way, if for whatever reason one source should become unavailable, an ATS device ensures that the servers will get their power from the second source.

This switch however malfunctioned last week. So when the first power source got cut off for maintenance, our servers were deprived of electricity.

To prevent this issue from happening again in the future, our servers will now be connected to both power sources directly, making the ATS device redundant.

What are the effects of the maintenance?

To be able to perform the maintenance, we’ll have to do a controlled power switch off to our servers. As a result, Copernica Marketing Software won’t work between 9 PM and 12 AM (CET).

Between those hours it won’t be possible to send emailings with Copernica. Also, follow up actions won’t be performed. Neither will hyperlinks be redirected, or will images in emails already sent be shown. Emails that are scheduled between 9 PM and 12 AM will be sent after midnight.

We advise you not to send any mailings this Saturday from 6 PM (CET). As of midnight, Copernica will be fully operational again.

During the maintenance no data will be lost. 

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