Selections might contain incorrect number of profiles

by Edward Touw

Some users might have noticed that certain selections in their database contain an incorrect number of profiles. This is caused by a technical issue and can be solved by rebuilding selections.

The following types of selections might show an incorrect number of profiles:

  • Check on field
  • Contains the text
  • Does not contain the text
  • (Sub)selections that refer to selections that contain these values

What does this mean for my emailings?

As soon as a scheduled emailing is sent to a selection, this selection will be rebuilt automatically. So for e-mails that are scheduled to be sent out later today for example, this is issue has no effect.

When manually sending an email however, as always, we advise you to rebuild the selection before you send the emailing.

How do I manually rebuild a selection?

To manually rebuild a selection, follow these steps:

  • In Copernica, go to Profiles
  • Look up and click on the selection you want to rebuild
  • Go to Database management and choose Edit selections
  • Click Edit current selection
  • Go the Rebuild status tab
  • Select Trigger new build

Your selection is now being rebuilt.

When will selections rebuild automatically?

As mentioned earlier, whenever an scheduled emailings is sent to a selection, this selection will rebuild automatically.

Apart from that, Copernica automatically rebuilds selections various times a day, so all selections will be up to date after a certain amount of time.

Profiles can however change at any time of the day, so we advise users that send email manually to always rebuild their selections before deployment.

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