Silent demo’s a success at the TCD


How can you demonstrate your product in a loud and busy conference hall? How do you transfer your message without being inaudible? At the TCD event on April 21, 22 and 23 of 2009, Copernica BV has found a solution for this problem: The so-called Silent Demo. Anyone interested received a wireless headset so they could hear every word of our product demonstrations in relative peace.

Silent demo
Ruud Ouweneel during a successfull Silent Demo

Every hour the reactions to this innovative way of giving a live demonstration were unanimously positive. But not only our product demonstrations received great reactions. Lots of visitors attended the power sessions at the Dialogue Marketing Fair: Dialogue marketing is very much alive!

By means of the challenges modern marketeers face on an daily basis, several succesfull cases en and best practices, Walter van der Scheer presented the way to get ‘Success with dialogue marketing’. The sheets are available for download at:

After each conference day people interested in Copernica instantly received a personal offer and a whitepaper with ready-to-use tips on direct marketing. This tips can be implemented into Copernica Marketing Software straight away, even during the 30 day trial period.

With the activities surrounding this event, Copernica BV has shown how any organization can benefit from the strength of Copernica Marketing Software. And not just for communicating aroung events but also for all other result driven direct marketing campaigns.

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