Test-version drag-and-drop editor available for all users

by Richard Hordijk Yannik Kottusch

The response to the announcement of the drag-and-drop editor was so overwhelming that we decided to make the test version available for all Copernica users. That way everyone that wants to simply drag and drop their emails together can already practice doing so. Try the new drag-and-drop editor now !

Reminder: This is the test-version of the editor. This means that whilst it is possible to send out large newsletters or mailings with the editor, this is not recommended.

The goal of the test-version

There's two sides to releasing the test-version of the new editor: the first is obviously testing the editor and to ensure a smooth launch. The second goal is for the Copernica user to get used to the new editor, so they can start creating email campaigns by simply dragging around content-blocks.

The old email editor will continue to be available for users that want to create their e-mails using HTML.

How do I report a bug?

When you find a bug, send an email with the subject "Template Editor Bug" to support@copernica.com . Make sure you add a clear explanation of the bug in your message so we can try and reproduce it. You are also welcome to send us feature requests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will the old editor still be available after the release of the new editor?

Yes, the old editor will continue to be available after the new editor releases.

Can I load my old templates into the new editor?

No, this is not possible because of major differences in the code.

Start testing!

For further questions about the editor send an email to: richard.hordijk@copernica.com

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