Unique offer: Use Copernica for free for up to 3 months!

by Walter van der Scheer

Copernica end of year offer

While you’re working hard to over score this year’s targets, in the new year even better performance is expected of you. At Copernica we understand that for you the end of the year is the busiest and most challenging time of the year.

In order to help you in managing today's and next year’s challenges, we decided to create a unique offer. If you decide to start using Copernica before the end of this year, whatever starting date you choose in 2014, Copernica throws in a couple of months license fee for free.

There is two options:
1: Start for an initial period of 6 months and you’ll receive 2 months license fee for free. This saves you €400,-!
2: Start for an initial period of 12 months and you’ll receive 3 months license fee for free. This saves you €600,-!

During the free months you’ll only pay for the variables. View our pricing page for a total overview of these costs.

Budget savings are not the only benefits of this offer. You’ll also:
  • Sell more products this Holiday season. Copernica will help you to directly send out your first mailings.
  • Enjoy more conversions and better campaign results You’ll be a marketing automation expert before you know it!
  • Save time. Use Copernica to automate your marketing campaigns.

So in 2014, don’t work harder, but work smarter! Upgrade your Copernica account today and let’s start automating!

This offer ends December 31, 2013.

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end of year