Personalization functions: linkfile

This function allows you to link a file from the files section under profiles in your template or document.

Note: This function can not be used in a Content web form text block.


The linkfile function can be used to link a file that has been uploaded under profiles in a webpage or email document.

{linkfile file='path/somepicture.jpg' fallback='defaultimage.jpg'}

If the file can not be linked only the filename will be displayed to the user. Therefore it is a good idea to always provide a fallback file to inform the user the correct file could not be retrieved or provide an alternative.

Supported file types

  • ZIP file: *.zip
  • Plain text
  • HTML text
  • PDF file: *.pdf
  • DOC/DOCX word files: .doc/.docx
  • GIF/PNG/JPEG/JPG/JPE images: .gif/.png/.jpeg/.jpg/*.jpe

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