REST API v2: GET database

A method to request all metadata from a database. This method does not support parameters. By sending a GET request to the following URL, you can fetch the database metadata:$id?access_token=xxxx

where $id should be replaced by the identifier of the database you want to get the metadata of.

Available parameters

This method only support paging parameters. More information on these parameters can be found in the article on paging.

Returned fields

Variable Description
ID Unique numerical identifier of the database.
name Name of the database.
description Description of the database.
archived Whether or not the database is archived.
created When the database was created.
fields Array of fields in the database.
interests Array with interests in the database.
collections Array with the collections in the database.
intentions Array with the intentions for the database (either 1 or null for email/sms/pdf).

Fields, interests and collections are returned as arrays of objects. If you want to know how these arrays are built, you can check out the pages of these API methods, which return similar data:

JSON example

The JSON for the database might look something like this:

   "description":"This is a test database.",
   "created":"2018-03-08 10:47:01",

PHP example

The following example demonstrates how to use this method:

// dependencies

// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 2);

// do the call, and print result

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information