REST API v2: GET template body (Marketing Suite)

If you want to retrieve the body of a template created with Marketing Suite you can send a GET request to the following URL:$id/body/$type?access_token=xxx

where $id is the ID of the template and $type is the format for the message.


The message can be returned in three formats:

  • MIME: Internet standard for email
  • HTML: HyperText Language Markup/internet markup
  • Text: Simple plain text

Depending on the format the output looks different. MIME includes all the headers for example, while text only shows the plain text. Include the desired type in the URL.

PHP example

The script below demonstrates how to use this API method. Don't forget to replace the ID in the URL before executing the call.

// dependencies

// change this into your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 2);

// execute the call

This example requires the REST API class

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