REST API v2: PUT database intentions
The database intentions indicate what type of communication is allowed with this database. The intentions for email, sms and pdf can all be enabled separately, to prevent accidental mailings.
The HTTP PUT call to edit the intentions of a database can be found at the following address:$id/intentions?access_token=xxxx
The $id
in the URL should be replaced by the unique identifier of the
Available parameters
The following parameters are available for the method. They are all optional and the intentions corresponding to the variables that are not used will not be changed.
- email: Boolean that indicates whether the intention for email should be enabled.
- sms: Boolean that indicates whether the intention for sms should be enabled.
- pdf: Boolean that indicates whether the intention for pdf should be enabled.
Intentions can not be enabled if the corresponding field in the database does not exist.
PHP example
The following example demonstrates how to use this method.
// dependencies
// change this to your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 2);
// parameters for the method
$data = array(
'email' => true
// voer het verzoek uit
$api->put("database/{$databaseID}/intentions", $data);
This method requires the CopernicaRestAPI class.