REST API v2: PUT unsubscribe (HTML templates)
By sending an HTTP PUT request to the following URL it is possible to unsubscribe a (sub)profile based on a mailing:$id/unsubscribe?access_token=xxxx
Available parameters
The following parameters are available for the method. The 'target' is required.
- target: The ID of the target (profile/subprofile) of the mailing.
- behavior: Do we need to execute the unsubscribe behavior of the database/collection? (true/false)
- statistics: Do we want to register an unsubscribe in the statistics of the mailing? (true/false)
PHP example
The following example demonstrates how to use this method.
// dependencies
// change this to your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 2);
// data to be sent to the api
$parameters = array(
'target' => 5555,
'behavior' => true,
'statistics' => false,
// do the call, and print result
print_r($api->put("publisher/emailing/$id/unsubscribe", $parameters));
The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.