REST API v4 conditions: Doublefield

Conditions are smaller parts of rules. Only one condition has to be satisfied to satisfy a rule. Every condition has a few specific properties.

This article is about the doublefield condition. If you're looking for any other condition you can find them in the More information section.

Individual properties

The doublefield condition has the following parameters:

  • match-mode: Match mode of doublefield condition. See the match mode table.
  • fields: The combination of fields that should be checked.

Match Modes

The following table contains the possible values for the match mode and their descriptions.

Match mode Description
match_unique_profiles Match all profiles that are unique
match_non_unique_profiles Match all profiles that are not unique
match_repeated_profiles Match all profiles that occurred earlier
match_non_repeated_profiles Match all profiles that did not occur earlier
match_last_profiles Match all profiles that do not occur later
match_toberepeated_profiles Match all profiles that also occur with a higher ID

JSON example

The following JSON demonstrates how to use the API method:

    "type": "DoubleField",
    "match-mode": "match_unique_profiles",
    "fields": "[firstname, lastname]"

PHP example

Let's say we want to make a selection of only people with unique names. This includes both the first name and the last name. In this case we could describe this selection by comparing the first name and the last name fields with the correct match-mode. The following values describe this set of people:

  • match-mode: match_unique profiles
  • fields: [first_name, last_name]
// required code

// make a new api object with your access token
$api = new CopernicaRestAPI("your-access-token", 4);

$data = array(
    // select doublefield condition
    'type' => 'DoubleField',

    // use matchmode
    'match-mode' => 'match_unique_profiles',

    // select fields for matchmode
    'fields' => '[first_name, last_name]',

// do the call
$result = $api->post("rule/id/conditions", $data);

// print the result

The example above requires the CopernicaRestApi class.

More information