Statistics: Mobile mailing statistics

For mobile mailings it is only possible to register whether or not the message was successfully delivered to the Telecom gateway. These will be registered as 'success'. When sending the messages, the application filters valid phone numbers and strips them from spaces and characters other than numbers. Numbers beginning with 0 are changed to +31 for international coding.

  • Successful: the mobile message was successfully delivered
  • Unknown: we got no response about what happened.
  • Error: The mobile message could not be delivered. Most likely the number did not exists, recipient was out of reach, or the mobile inbox was full.

Mobile messages are also delivered to cellphones that have been (temporarily) turned off.

Marketing Suite

In Marketing Suite you can find the results in the same spot as any other mailing results.


To see the results of your mobile mailing, go to Mobile > Mailings > Statistics Select a mailing from the top half to see its results in the lower half.

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