Marketing Insights Platform MIP integration

The Marketing Insights Platform of Stratics connects your business data to a central marketing database that enables a 360 ° single customer view.
Does your company or organization has a mass of unused data? Is that data spread across different departments, or in silos that are not connected? The Marketing Insights Platform (MIP) is a flexible and user-friendly information platform that connects and centralizes all this data. It prepares your company to evoke real-time customer behavior and engagement.
MIP is everywhere, just like your customer is
People call your customer service while they surf on your website. They open your email while they visit your store. They talk to a salesperson, just so they can make an order at home...If they order at all. The customer is everywhere in this omni-channel economy. With MIP you can follow him or her wherever they are, and respond to hyper-personal triggers or signals with an SMS or emailing for example.
Understand your customers better
A single customer view is more accessible than you think. Normally, the data you need is already there, you just have to consolidate it. This is possible with MIP, either in real time or in batches. In this way you can receive interesting insights about customer groups, but also per individual. This prepares you for a real one-on-one interaction with your customers.
Everything to better understand every customer
A single customer view is more accessible than you think. The data is usually there. You just have to consolidate and combine them. MIP makes that possible. In real time or in batches. In this way you gain interesting insights. For customer groups, but - and that is even more interesting - also for individuals. You are ready for true one-to-one interaction with your customers!