
Add unique promo codes to your email templates for personalized offers


Load coupons into your email template

Easily add discount codes to your drag-and-drop template. When sending your email, a unique coupon from the specified campaign will be added for each recipient.

Create coupon campaign

Create multiple coupon campaigns within your account, so that you can offer discount codes for different campaigns. A coupon campaign contains all the coupons that you want to use for that specific campaign.

Unique code per profile

The coupon module ensures that each recipient receives a unique code, so you can see exactly which recipient has taken advantage of your offer.

Import coupons

Easily import your discount codes from an external system. For example, you can upload a CSV or JSON file. You then link the columns from your file to the correct fields in your coupon campaign.

Status of a coupon

Keep track of the status of the coupons in the module. This way you can see exactly who has already redeemed their discount code.

Do you want to learn more?

You can find more information and technical details about coupons in our documentation.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.