Copernica news

Automation highlight: SMS feature

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Looking back on the Summer Camp 2024

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New in Copernica: Easily Load Data from Magento

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Copernica is organizing Summer Camp 2024

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Copernica expands partner network with Dtch. Digitals!

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More automation possibilities

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Email marketing in the spotlight due to the abolition of third-party cookies

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Copernica Present at NIMA Marketing Day

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Copernica chosen as the best email marketing software in the Netherlands!

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Downtime due to network infrastructure maintenance

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SOAP & Safety

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Smart repeat mailings with RRules

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Marketing Suite improvements

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5 do's for an effective welcome campaign

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Version 2 of the Copernica REST API has been released!

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Use emotions in your subject line this Valentine's Day.

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List bombing

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Three tips for email marketing around Christmas

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Meetup Dutch C++ group

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Do not let the GDPR halve your email list

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General Data Protection Regulation - FAQ about email marketing

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File downloads disabled because of security risk

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Publisher improvements

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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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Sender Domains are going to be mandatory

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The new follow up manager

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