Copernica news

Copernica Summit 2014 on Tuesday, September 16

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B2B Summit 2014 (London) invites Copernica & Exact as speakers

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Copernica at InternetWorld & MarketingWeekLive: Meet us in London this June

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Copernica @ PHP Unconference Mallorca

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Copernica hosts AmsterdamPHP compilers meetup

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Successful customer life cycle implementation at International Travel Group

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Create an impact with your next email campaign!

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CopernicaTV - Thinkable Digital - Partner interview

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10 tips to get rid of non-responders in your database

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Copernica was voted best email service provider in the Netherlands

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Mobile email – are you up to date?

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Split-run functionality available again

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The big database revision

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The revised Copernica admin dashboard

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Free responsive HTML email templates

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CopernicaTV: Partner interview S-Company

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Website and application available for all users again

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Scheduled maintenance in the evening of Saturday March 8

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Give your email marketing list a spring clean!

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TFM&A 2014 – Round Up

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How to successfully implement marketing automation

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2014; the year of marketing automation?

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Split-run functionality temporarily unavailable

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Never again send emailings too early

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Visit Copernica at TMF&A 2014

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Five reasons you should stop using no-reply email addresses right now

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