Copernica news

Changing libvirt settings from PHP on the fly

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Controlling RabbitMQ log levels

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No more incidents at Copernica

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How to optimize your emails for search

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New incident system

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Database marketing & e-commerce: your very own pot of gold?

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Copernica 13.16 launched

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How to improve your email call-to-actions

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Three essential email marketing tips

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The development procedure at Copernica

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Five email marketing pitfalls to avoid

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Disk scheduler for EqualLogic SAN and MySQL

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New email library for Copernica

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Mind your email reputation, watch out for spam traps

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Transition from POM to CDM

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Four tips for spring cleaning your emailing list

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Relevancy - the key to increasing email open rates

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Email reputation: what is the expiration date of your opt-ins?

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Keeping a clean and up-to-date database in seven steps

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Copernica 13.10 launched

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Testing on a small emailing list with A/B tests

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5 Uncommon ways for ecommerce retailers to segment their email list

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How to effectively segment your data

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Six email deliverability lessons that you can learn from SEO

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Pre header or snippet: the reinforcement of your subject line

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Amsterdam PHP @ Copernica

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