Copernica news

A-record and MX-record: how does it work?

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Copernica improves deliverability

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October 11th, Digital Marketing First - Brussels

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12 & 13 september, dmexco Cologne

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Nominations Copernica Partner of the Year

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How to compose usable newsletters

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How to improve your SOAP API connection

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Bounce management with Copernica

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The Copernica partner model: Copernica Whiteboard

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Smarty 2 to Smarty 3: Copernica Whiteboard

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Email marketing with Magento

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What to keep in mind to create a good landing page?

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Encode hyperlinks for Google Analytics

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List-unsubscribe header: a reputation improving email header

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Split-run test: some practical advice

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HTML newsletter design: some important guidelines

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Follow-up actions: the key to success

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DKIM: DomainKey Identified Mail

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Deliverability: better email delivery with Copernica

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How to build up your email reputation

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Opt-out: Do not stop your client!

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Opt-in and double opt-in: do you ask for permission?

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What is Sender Policy Framework (SPF)?

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DNS-data: what does it do?

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The difference between hard bounce and soft bounce...doesn't exist!

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Copernica DM Summit 2012: all insights on email marketing, mobile & social

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