Blacklisting of our picserver domain


Friday, August 30 - This morning the picserver domain of Copernica landed on a blacklist. This may have caused that some emails sent with Copernica ended up in their recipients' spam box. This issue is now solved.

Immediately after we became aware of this blacklisting, we switched to another picserver domain (, so that emails are now being delivered as usual. No additional user actions are required.

Furthermore, we have requested a delisting at, and also requested information on the reason for blacklisting. If we can identify the user that caused this issue, we will of course take immediate action.

What is the picserver domain?

When sending an emailing with Copernica, all of the clicks, impressions and images of this emailing are processed by a dedicated server. This server is accessed through a specific domain name: the picserver domain. Copernica has several domains, so we can switch immediately in case of a blacklisting and minimize the impact to our users' email deliverability.

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