Copernica CTO Emiel Bruijntjes speaks at Amsterdam PHP

by Quentine Stoc

Copernica's CTO Emiel Bruijntjes will be speaking at the monthly meeting of AmsterdamPHP and PHPBenelux next Thursday, October 17th. The central topic of this meeting will be combining PHP with C++ and Emiel will be talking about mixing PHP with C++!

Speeding up PHP - mixing PHP with C++

Emiel Bruijntjes initiated PHP-CPP because he thought that the only current option for building PHP extensions with C++ is difficult and time consuming.

PHP is a language designed for creating web pages – but for running complicated CPU or memory intensive algorithms not always the most appropriate choice. In such situations you better switch to a language like C or C++.

Although PHP offers a C API that allows someone to combine PHP and C/C++, using this API is tough. The PHP C API is not very well documented - and could have a better and simpler structure. Most PHP developers therefore never consider writing in C, and stick to their PHP scripts – with good reason.

That's why the PHP-CPP library is being developed. To overcome the problems that the C API has, Copernica is building a C++ library that is easy to use, and that has an object oriented structure. This library allows developers to move their algorithms and data structures from PHP to C++, and speed up applications significantly.

Emiel Bruijntjes will show examples of how to use the C++ library, and will speak about the design of the library, and the plans he has with it. This presentation will also be the first time the library is showed to the public, so feedback and thoughts from the audience are greatly appreciated.

Schedule of the meeting

The meeting is sponsored by Copernica and will take place in our office in Amsterdam.

  • 19:00: Welcome Drinks
  • 19:30 - 20:30: "Speeding up PHP – mixing PHP with C++"
  • 20:30 - 20:45: Raffle
  • 20:45: Social, drinks and food.

Copernica and the PHP community

Copernica is sponsor of the PHP community in Amsterdam. Not only do we invest in the open source community, we also keep up with the latest technologies, discuss software and technologies in general and provide a chance for developers to exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Join this event?

The event is already fully booked. Interested in signing up for the waiting list?

Sign up through the meetup page of AmsterdamPHP.

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Amsterdam PHP
Emiel Bruijntjes