Copernica Summit 2013: data, relevance, conversion!

by Michael Heering

Copernica SummitAn entire day filled with inspiration, tips, tricks, trends and great speakers from the online marketing world!

The Copernica Summit is a fun and interactive day dedicated to the latest trends, tips and cases in the field of direct marketing. The event itself is supported by several media partners such as Twinkle, Marketingtribune,, Marketingfacts, Sprout and many others.

Special morning program for users and partners

Just like last year the Copernica Summit is divided into two parts. The morning contains a special training program for Copernica users. Here you will learn more about the software's possibilities and how to use the different features of Copernica even better than you do now. Furthermore, you will be able to become a certified Copernica user.

Copernica Summit keynote morning

Parallel to the user morning, there will be an exclusive morning program for the directors of the top-100 internet agencies in the Netherlands and our Copernica partners. An exclusive morning dedicated to the latest trends and growth opportunities for online agencies towards 2014 and onwards. Last year's speakers were Jonathan MacDonald, Wim Andrea and Johannes Hartman. This year there will be several other inspiring speakers.

International keynote program & interactive sessions!

The afternoon program of the Copernica Summit is open to all visitors! Choose 5 of the 25 different sessions you want to attend. This year's Summit has an amazing international keynote program. One of this year's speakers is Jamie Turner, one of the world's most renowned experts in the field of digital marketing. He is the specialist when it comes to the latest trends in the field of social media, email and digital marketing. In others words, a must-see at the Copernica Summit. Parallel to the keynote program there is a wide range of interactive sessions. Each session is presented by market leaders who are happy to share their knowledge and expertise with our visitors. During these sessions you'll come across cases, tips, tricks and trends that you can use and apply yourself the very next day.

Copernica Summit afternoon keynote

When visiting the Copernica Summit you will have your own personal program. You can select the sessions you would like to attend well in advance of the event. As soon as we finalize the program of the Summit, you will be notified as a visitor enabling you to put together your own program.

When you're not attending one of the sessions during the day, you will be able to turn to our partners throughout the entire day for questions concerning online marketing and Copernica Marketing Software. Or you can network with the other visitors in between sessions.

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Copernica Summit
email marketing
social media
Copernica Marketing Software
Media Plaza
Jamie Turner