Copernica Summit 2013: Energetic, inspiring and filled with new insights

by Michael Heering

The fourth edition of the Copernica Summit was a success. More than 700 marketers came to the Media Plaza in Utrecht on September 17th for an entire day dedicated to the latest trends, tips, tricks and developments in the field of email marketing, social and mobile. Several (inter)national marketing experts shared their knowledge and vision with the many visitors. After a morning program filled with training sessions, the afternoon offered an extensive choice of sessions with 5 inspiring keynotes and 20 other parallel sessions.

Impression Copernica Summit 2013

International keynotes and interesting cases

The Copernica Summit offered some great keynote presentations this year. One of them was the keynote by digital marketing guru Jamie Turner, who showed the visitor how to implement channels such as email, mobile and social to obtain online success. Jamie made it clear to the visitor that just a few small changes is already enough to become succesful.

Copernica Summit keynote

Next to Turner, there were four other keynote sessions during the afternoon. Zakaria Amlal of Gracious Studios presented the success case of Body& This webshop was able to grow from a small webshop to a webshop with over 1 million visitors per month. And they did this by making smart use of email marketing, marketing automation and optimizing design.

Jorij Abraham of and Shopping2020 revealed a small part of the findings of the research he is presenting at Shopping Today. He presented his 9 key findings he and his study group uncovered when visiting Silicon Valley earlier this year. Bart van de Biezen of interactive agency AanZee presented together with Van der Valk Hotels about the next step in adaptive design. During this keynote, Bart explained how marketers should proceed when optimizing websites and email for mobile use and what steps you need to take and mind.

Copernica Summit session full

The Copernica Summit was finally concluded with two inspiring sessions. Emiel Bruijntjes, CTO of Copernica Marketing Software presenterd MailerQ to the visitors. MailerQ is a high end mail transfer agent, enabling its users to send out high volumes of email at high speeds. Tamar van de Paal, Marketing Manager Benelux of Google was the day’s closing keynote and presented Google’s findings on performance marketing and how this impacts our marketingcampaigns.

A busy morning program

The morning program of the Copernica Summit was also attended by many visitors. The morning consisted of two different parts. For Copernica partners and the agency directors of the top 100 Dutch internet agencies, Copernica had set up an exclusive program.

Jamie Turner shared his vision with the agencies and showed them how they can get better results from cross channel marketing together with their clients. He focused on different trends and growth opportunities. Turner was followed by PK Vaish (of Livelink UK) and Hans Anton Verschoor (Redhotminute) who both talked about renewing revenue models and innovations important for internet agencies.

Copernica Summit certification in the morning

During the user morning, Copernica users were able to attend several training sessions. In these sessions they got to see how they could get better results from Copernica Marketing Software. After each training session, users were able to take a test and become a certified user of Copernica Marketing Software.

Copernica Partner of the Year Award

During the opening of the afternoon program, Copernica announced the winners for the Copernica Partner of the Year award and the award for best newcomer 2013. These awards were introduced last year to reward those Copernica partners who have proven themselves within the Copernica partner network last year.

ISM Copernica Partner of the Year

When selecting the nominees and winner for the Copernica partner of the Year award, these are some of the factors that determine the nominees: increase of revenue, participating at events and joint marketing efforts such as writing articles together.

Best newcomer of 2013 is Digitalbits BV.
And the Copernica Partner of the year 2013 is…ISM eCompany. Congratulations to both partners from the entire Copernica team!

See what it was like at the Copernica Summit 2013

Have a look at our pictures or watch our video report of the event. Did you miss one of the presentations? You can have a look at the English presentations here.

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