Email marketing with Magento

by Michael Heering

Email marketing offers etailers the opportunity to get more out of their relations and generate higher conversion. Customer life cycle campaigns are the perfect tools for a targeted approach towards customers and to trigger (repeat) purchases. This type of email marketing is not yet well known amongst etailers. However, research shows these campaigns do generate surprising results:

  • Abandoned shop cart mailings generate more than 55% more conversion compared to regular email campaigns. ©SeeWhy research (2011)
  • Non-targeted email campaigns tend to have a 3.6 times higher cost than targeted email campaigs. -Relevancy Group "Realizing the Value of Email Marketing" (2010)

Many opportunities still remain untapped. Etailers gather a lot of valuable information throught their Magento e-commerce platform, but this information is barely used for further interaction with their relations. This is because the e-commerce platform does not offer any email marketing activities.

Magento plugin makes email marketing possible

Thanks to a new Magento Plugin with the software of Copernica, Magento etailers are able to use powerful and professional email marketing. The plugin makes sure all relevant data such as registrations, customers, orders and shop carts within the webshop are automatically synchronized with the central database.

With the help of this plugin, it is a lot easier to set up targeted event driven email campaigns such as abandoned shop cart mails or cross- and up-selling campaigns based on previous purchases or items stored in the shop cart. Customers will receive information only relevant to them, creating higher awareness, engagement and eventually conversion.

Relevance is created by using segmentation within the database and further personalization (with the help of dynamic content) within email campaigns. The Magento plugin also uses XML-feeds that contain among others, product information or new products. This creates opportunities for further personalization within cross- and up-sell mailings (for example).

Email marketing and your webshop

Why should you use email marketing for your Magento webshop?

  • Include relevant offers in your email campaigns based on the order history of your customers
  • You can schedule emailings to follow up on the abandoned shop carts using the right software
  • Create other event driven email campaigns linked to your database. For example, send a daily birthday mailing to strengthen the engagement with your customers. Or create your own loyalty campaigns or winback mailings (for customers that have not purchased anything for a while)
  • Use content feeds to make the content in your emailings more dynamic

"The next step in marketing"

Upsell, administrator of several Belgian, uses the Magento plugin. The organization aims to start the Belgian ecommerce revolution. Jelle Stas, co-owner of Upsell explains:

"The Magento plugin is our 'next step in marketing'. The plugin offers us access to a valid database, a good email marketing strategy and is simple to use and manageable. In order to keep growing, we have to invest in our customer: by registering their customer data and interests and tracking their surfing and purchasing behaviour. We have just finished setting up the databases, abandoned shop cart mails and newsletters for all our webshops. The first results look promising and we are very excited about the future."

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