Email template editor - share to social made easy


In addition to the FollowUs block, a new block was added to the MarketingSuite email template editor this week: the ShareToSocial block. This new block allows template designers to add social media icons to their emails and specify the information subscribers can share with their friends or followers, by posting it on their timeline.

How does it work?

When adding the ShareToSocial link to the email, you can predefine the information that will appear on the timeline. When someone decides to share your post, he is of course able to read and edit the information he wants to share proir to posting it on the timeline.

The currently supported platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google Plus. Is your favourite platform missing in this list? Let us know, and we might be adding it any time soon.

There's no limit to the number blocks of this type that can be added to an email design.

  • Drag the Share block to the your email design
  • Choose the platform(s) you wish to add
  • Specify the label that will appear on top of the block ('Share with friends')
  • Add the title, description and link for the block. This will be the information that will appear on the subscribers timeline. The subscriber is always able to modify the information before sharing it.

Share to social block

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